september- spontaneity
As I write this, I have just committed tofly around the world to be in Japan for two days. The trip was offered as a gift, so I gratefully accepted and will be on my way shortly. Looking at my current state of spontaneity, I am present to how many patterns I have been breaking lately. Patterns of logic, comfort and habit are being replaced with new experiences and new perspectives. Unforeseen new colors are dancing on the horizon as my world is buzzing with creative energy. Spontaneity seems to be the theme of my life and art at the moment.
At first I felt short of breath and out of balance as I began to choose options outside my norm. Courage and Confidence took my hands and reminded me to breathe. With every breath, a new space opened up, making room for a new experience. I have been breathing deeply and fully lately and new paths have been forged. Dropping in on a local figure drawing class the other day reminded me of how fun it is to explore another medium and style of expression. I found myself laughing at my shaking hand and squinting eyes. As my perspective adjusted and I took a deep breath, I remembered how much I love to draw people. I wonder how this will affect my future paintings. I welcome the evolution and can feel the vulnerability necessary for change. This spontaneous class experience led me to appreciating the commissions I am currently working on. I have had the great pleasure of working on pieces for people who genuinely appreciate my creative process and are allowing me to be spontaneous and follow my intuition. In doing so, I am able to connect with them on a deeper level, to create an energetic portrait of them. I can feel their beauty waiting to be reflected in the painting. I can see an aspect of them that perhaps they have not seen in a conventional mirror. This process is enlightening for both of us and has connected me to my collectors in a very special way. And with that intimacy in each piece, I am led to appreciating the intimacy of my new home studio. By changing my environment, I have literally opened the door to spontaneous inspiration. Not only do I have two new large doors, I now have a beautiful commute (a short walk across my garden) to work. My practice of creating now includes the convenience of working whenever I feel like it (without driving across town), encouraging even more spontaneity.
Spontaneity, if it were a color it would be gold, rich and full of luster and reflection. Sparkling with excitement and a hint of mystery. The power to step outside the box, break a pattern, and create in the moment, is a gift. Wrapped in gold, hand delivered by Courage and Confidence, humbly accepted with a deep breath and a simple, trusting word… “Yes”.